Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back on Track

Well we are finally back on the right track after a loooooong 7 months. We sold our house and moved only to find out thid was a horrible idea. Now we are back right near where we lived before and couldn't be happier. Jason has gotten a job as a production analyst for Fairways Exploration and Production and I am back working at Pappas once again. I am at a different store though and I am really having fun. I have applied for graduate school in the fall so hopefully I will be starting on my Master's soon.

Ella is 4 1/2 and so, so smart. She attended pre-k in the fall and her teacher was very impressed with her knowledge. She continues to surprise me with things she says and does. She is getting to be such a beautiful little girl. Ava is our little wild child 15 month old now. She is running and into everything all the time. She is getting to be a lot of fun and starting to really show her personality.

My Nannie recently passed away and that was a sad way to start 2010. I know that she is not suffering anymore though and I hope she is at peace now. I miss her so much though. Hopefully the rest of 2010 will be happy and fun.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Life in Familyland

Yesterday I babysat my nephew Dub while his Mom went to the hospital to check on Max. Dub is sixteen months and such a happy little boy. But let me tell you it was a chore to keep up with Ella, Dub, and Ava. Luckily, my pleasant little Ava chilled in her chair smiling and kicking her feet for most of the time. We all played out in the yard for a while then came in and read some books and sang songs till Dub and Ava fell asleep. I can't believe I managed three kids for two hours. I have a lot more respect for my Mom now.

Tonight is girls night and we are going to drink wine and paint pottery at a studio near downtown. Jason is dumbstruck as to how this could be fun, but it sounds great to me. Ella is going to Nana's so he will just have Ava tonight and she is ridiculously easy these days.

Tomorrow my sister and I will be continuing our adventure at our grandparents. We seem to both get sick after a trip there, so god knows what kinds of germs are going on in there. I know my Grandma had to stop cleaning like two or three years ago. It is insane. We should be finished in a couple more weeks and then we will have a giant garage sale. We went and decorated their new apartment last week and they were so happy.Both my Grandad and Nannie are in the same place finally after four months of being shuffled around to different hospitals and facilities. It's sad though because my Nannie hasn't grasped yet that she isn't ever going home. It makes me think a lot about getting old.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

40 Years of Crap and Such

Today my sister Callie and I spent the morning continuing our cleaning out of my Grandparents house. They are moving into an assisted living home and so we are getting their house in order. To say this house is a pack rat's dream is an understatement. We have found the most random crap you can imagine in this house. Some of the things we have laughed about are war ration books from WW2, my grandmother's basket obsession- we've found over fifty so far, her cookbook obsession- over two hundred, boxes and boxes of random trash and miscellanious items, empty pudding cups and to go containers, spices from the 60's, coupons that expired in the 80's, a Mcdonald's gift card from '76, my moms diaries and old love letters, etc. It's insanity! It is fun to see all the stuff in there and my sister and I have some weird thing in our brain that drives us to want to organize things. I hate cleaning with every fiber of my being, but I can't stand a big cluttered mess. My sis is even worse.

Ella spent the day working on a motor with her Daddy. She really likes to use tools and get oil and grease all over her. Jason dosen't need a son, cause Ella loves doing boys things. He took a pic of her, but he thought it was hilarious to have her hold a beer and pt an unlit cigarette in her mouth. Needless to say I was not amused in the least. Ella was so proud she was helping her Daddy though.

Baby Max is doing better. He's off the breathing machines and eating finally. His Mom is at home now, so hopefully he won't be too far behind. And we just need Cody to get back froom Iraq also.

We're going to look at new couches tomorrow and I am super,super excited. We need new ones like nobody's business. Ours have lived their lives and then some. So, it's gonna be awesome to get something new of our own.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Random Info You Didn't Know You Wanted To Know

Answer the following 25 questions about your marriage, then tag whoever you want to do this!Come on, play along - inquiring minds want to know! ;-)

♥ What are your middle names?
Rose and Michael

♥ How long have you been together?
Married for 4 years this past December, together for 6 (I can't even believe it!)

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
I don't really remember, we worked together for awhile and at some point he thought I was a lesbian.

♥ Who asked who out?
I asked him out. I was already sorta drunk and called him and asked him"How old are you? Do you wanna go to Sam's Boat?" If you have ever been twenty something on the galleria side of Houston you know what that means!

♥ How old are each of you?
Both 28- three months apart though he acts like it's years.

♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
Mine, I suppose.I see my sister occasionally, but my bro is in Iraq and his bro is in Victoria.

♥ Do you have any children together?
Two girls!

♥ What about pets?
Just Beans. And Jason wishes death on him daily.

♥ Did you go to the same school?

♥ Are you from the same home town?
No. Didn't meet till we both lived in H town.

♥ Who is the smartest?
I am. Ha ha. He'd punch me if he saw this. I am as far as english and school stuff. He is as far as economics and logic. At least that's what he thinks.

♥ Who is the most sensitive?
Jason doesn't understand the definition of sensitive. He faults me for ever thinking with my emotions.

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
I don't think we have one certain place. We love mexican food and BBQ. But when we go out just the two of us we like to go to nice steakhouses. Like your tab is two or three hundred dollar steakhouses. Needless to say we only go a couple times a year.

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Hawaii. We got married there on the beach and we are going again this year with the whole extended family and friends to renew our vows for our five year anniversary.

♥ Do you have a song?
I think our song is Tom Petty's "Yer So Bad" I don't think he thinks we have a song.

Who does the cooking?
Him always. I don't even know how to fry an egg.

♥ Who is more social?
Jason is social by the fact that he is ok with meeting random people and instantly becoming their friend. I think I enjoy doing things with our close family and friends more though.

♥ Who is the neat-freak?
Ha. What the hell is a neat freak? We thrive on pandamonium.

♥ Who is the more stubborn?
Jason will argue to the death even after it has become obvious he is wrong just because at some point he can still convince you you are wrong.

♥ Who hogs the bed?
We are pretty good about being in our respected areas, though Jason hogs the covers.

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
Jason. I'm blessed with a husband who gets up with my darling(lol) baby at seven am and lets me sleep till 8:30.

♥ Where was your first date?
I don't know if Sam's boat counts. I don't really think we went on a "date" for months. When you are a waiter, you party every night. I remember once though he took me out for my birthday to The Melting Pot and there were roses on the table and it was so nice.

♥ Who has the bigger family?
I think they are about equal. Though I have two real siblings and three step and he only two brothers.

♥ Do you get flowers often?
If by often you mean never, then yes! But I don't really like them, so he does it randomly like once a year and that's sweet.

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
alternate between the families

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
Maybe a month.

♥ Who eats more?
Me. I say he's anorexic, but he just eats more often.

♥ Who does/ did the laundry?
Me. Jason hasn't done laundry since I met him. It's just a thing in my head. Guys don't do laundry.

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
We're the same. He may be slightly better though.

♥ Who drives when you are together?
Always him. I hate driving with him cause he bitches the whole time and won't let me listen to my music.

Okay so now if you are bored and care to share some information about your marriage fill this out.

Baby Maximus is here!

And only eight weeks early!My little nephew, my brother's second son, was supposed to be born towards the end of April, but for whatever reason he decided he was coming early. He was born last night at 4 am and weighed 4 lbs 9 oz. He'll have to be in the NiCU for a few weeks, but he is breathing on his own and so that's promising. His full name is Don David Maximus Burns. Yes, my brother is more than a little off and so they are going to call the baby Maximus.

Today we were productive again and cleaned out almost all the rest of the flowerbed in the back. If you have ever been to our house you know what an incredible feat this was. Ella and I have been battling it out with the over growth back there for a week now. Today we found a tree frog which she stalked for about twenty minutes but never managed to get a grip on. She gave up and went back to her beloved friends the doodle bugs which she decided all twenty of needed to live the remainder of the day on her blanket stretched out on the deck.

We should find out about Jason's new job early next week so wish us luck!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Blog

This is my first blog on our new site. I love being nosy and reading about other people's lives, so I figured I'd put our business up too. Ha ha. I'm sure Jason will be thrilled.

Right now in our lives we are in between stages I feel. Jason is in the process of finding a new job and I am working on my junior high certification so that I can hopefully teach this year. It will be nice to both have "adult" jobs. Wish us luck because in this economy who knows what will happen.

Ella is almost four and she is finally beginning to enjoy her new little sister.She is very smart and says the most hilarious things. Ava is four months old and just started on cereal. That means we are getting a decent amount of sleep at night!!

We went to Mardi Gras in Galveston this past weekend. We go every year o the kids parade and Ella loves getting the beads. I like seeing the pics of how we have all changed each year. This time it was on the sea wall though and at some point Ella became more interested in burying her beads in the sand on the beach than watching the parades. O and she peed in a bar bathroom which I felt strange about, but hey she had to go right then!

This weekend Jason's Dad is coming to visit and so that should be fun. I love having something going on on the weekend other than sitting around. I am sick to death of being in this house all day everyday. Hopefully soon we will know Jason's schedule and I can get a part time job at least to get out of the house occasionally. Not having anything to do drives me crazy.